Thursday, April 24, 2014

My creative space

My creative space is coming. Truly. First I had no desk. Then I got a desk but it became overwhelmed by laundry and other stuff....
Now the laundry and other stuff is mostly gone AND I have a desk chair.

Next up? My husband will be setting up a desktop computer for me. I'm pretty excited. I haven't had my own space since we moved here, over two years ago! I had to sacrifice a corner of our bedroom to get it, but so be it.

More writing will be forthcoming - I swear!


  1. hello? writer? are you there?
    we should go on a writing retreat to the banff centre.

  2. Sigh. I'm not here. No time. Hopefully soon...thank you for checking anyways. :)

  3. So I will try to follow you on some days - I just copied the link ;o))
